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The summer months are behind us and you are probably focusing on your objectives for the last quarter of 2018. How are you going to set the pace as you encourage your teams to embrace previously announced changes, innovative plans and possibly a new way of working to sustain the business model or organisational structure your management team has carefully designed?

This is a dilemma for most company leaders. Do you spend more energy getting late adopters on board or do you focus on the fastest group that is keen to accelerate? Will your energy be spent on persuading those who are lagging behind or on empowering the highest potentials?

Attracting and retaining talent today requires that we allow the fastest group to set the pace. This does not mean that measures are not taken to provide support, knowledge sharing and skills development to all employees. It does, however, require that management facilitates progress and removes obstacles that stand in the way of speed, creativity and entrepreneurship.

To keep your high potentials engaged, allow the fastest group to set the pace, not those who stall progress.

Theme: From A Different Kind of Leader

Door |25 september 2018|Categorieën: Business developments|