Inclusive Design for Inclusive Leadership
- 1,3 billion people with disabilities around the world spur innovations. Finding solutions to their problems lead to inventions that help us all!
- We can thank people with disabilities for innovations and some of the most widely used products today – a design for all policy is better for everyone:
- When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876, he intended it to help people who were hard of hearing. Later, text messaging (SMS) was invented to help people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Then texting grew to be used by mobile phone owners across the globe
- Bendable straws were originally created for sick or not fully mobile people. Today plastic straws are being replaced by paper and bamboo alternatives, but the world still loves straws
- In 1932 the American Federation for the Blind created audiobooks on vinyl for the blind. Now audiobooks are popular among all people, with and without disabilities as a means to listen to their favourite authors.
- In 1954 the Broxodent electric toothbrush was created for people with limited mobility and control. The electric toothbrush was soon considered superior to standard brushes and is now recommended by dentists to everyone.
- Kerb ramps were originally designed for wheelchair users. Today people pushing prams, travellers pulling wheeled suitcases and workers delivering roll containers find kerb ramps indispensable.
- 70 – 80 % of disabilities are invisible (Research Kelly & Natasha Mutebi, January 2023)
- The majority of employees from entry level to C-suite do not disclose their disabilities
Imagine if you designed processes for all and if your communication was inclusive and fully accessible to those with disclosed and those with undisclosed challenges…. Picture what it would do for your company’s productivity, talent pool, creativity, engagement and reputation!
JPC Accessibility Team